Non-profit Organizations with TYPO3 Web Sites

  • well-known non-profit organizations as TYPO3 references
  • international or German organizations
  • big TYPO3 web sites with diverse functions

Well-known Non-profit Organizations as TYPO3 References

Because TYPO3 is an open source content management system, it is ideal for non-profit organizations which need internet presentations with diverse functions.

We would like to introduce known non-profit organizations using TYPO3 web sites, that are created by different agencies or other persons, on this page to you. Our selection is based on the general name recognition of international or in Germany nationwide operating organizations.

If your company or organisation is missing in this list, we are happy about a hint. Since is a German web presence, most of the TYPO3 web sites presented here are German. We would be delighted to add more TYPO3 web sites from other countries, too.

Contrariwise, please, send us a short message, if you want to have your web site deleted form this list. Of course, we would act upon your request without hesitation.

Web site with TYPO3: WWF Deutschland

WWF Deutschland

The WWF, one of the worldwide biggest international organisations for the protection of nature, chose a TYPO3 web site for its internet presentation.

Web site:

Entry date: 14.07.2020

Web site with TYPO3: Deutsches Rotes Kreuz

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz uses the content management system TYPO3 for its web site.

Web site:

Entry date: 14.07.2020

Web site with TYPO3: Amnesty International Spain

Amnesty International Spain

The human rights organisation Amnesty International chose the content management system TYPO3 as basis for its internet presentation in Spain.

Web site:

Entry date: 14.07.2020

TYPO3 web site: Welthungerhilfe


The web site of Welthungerhilfe, an organization which swiftly helps humans got in need and poverty, bases on TYPO3.

Web site:

Entry date: 14.07.2020

TYPO3 web site: Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste

Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste

The web site of Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste, which campaigns for a global and righteous peace, bases on TYPO3.

Web site:

Entry date: 14.07.2020

TYPO3 web site: Bonifatiuswerk


The Bonifatiuswerk of the German catholics, which is commissioned by the Deutsche Bischofskonferenz with the promotion of the diaspora counseling, decided on TYPO3 as base for its internet presence.

Web site:

Entry date: 14.07.2020

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TYPO3 Web Sites is a services of a7digital.