Free TYPO3 Test Web Sites

  • in different TYPO3 versions, from 4.5 to 9 LTS
  • for editors, easy registration
  • 1 reference web site for orientation + 1 web site for free editing

Free TYPO3 Test and Demo Web Sites

We offer TYPO3 users and those interested in TYPO3 an easy way to test the content management system TYPO3 on our free demo and test web sites which are especially setup for editors.

Test- and Demo Web Sites in different TYPO3 Versions

As TYPO3 is maintained in different versions, we also provide our test web sites in several TYPO3 long-term-support versions. You can choose between:

In all of these test installations, we offer each user two web sites, in each case in the appropriate language (English or German):

  • 1 test web site you can edit freely and
  • 1 unchangeable reference web site as model (the www sub domain)

In the changeable test web site you can edit and delete the pages and content just as you like. You do not need to worry that you might "damage" something since the system is reset to the original condition every 24 hours.

Due to the easy log-in - without registration - the testing pays off even for ten or twenty minutes: You just choose the respective sub-page of the desired TYPO3 version in the menu and there you follow the link to create your access data where you will be forwarded to your test web site.

Please note:

  • With the log-in to the TYPO3 test web sites you agree with the our terms of use.
  • Due to the necessary reestablishment of the original condition the systems are locked each night between c. 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. CET (GMT + 1.00).


Jannika Jannika, 19-06-11 14:39:

That's way more clever than I was expecting. Tkahns!


Silke (Admin), 27-02-17 18:24:

Hallo Chris,
es bedeutet einen erheblichen Zeitaufwand, die Übungs-Websites anzulegen. Daher und um Benutzer nicht durch unfertige Funktionen und Stände zu verwirren, legen wir nur stabile Langzeitversionen zum Üben und Testen an.

TYPO3 8.7 wird am 04.04.17 erwartet und dann 7.6 als aktuelle Langzeitversion ablösen.

Ich hoffe, dass wir dann schnell die neuen Übungs-Websites anbieten können.


Chris, 25-02-17 14:11:

Vielen Dank für die TYPO3 Demoversionen!
Ist es möglich für die jeweils aktuelle TYPO3 v8 Version eine Demo anzulegen?


Michael Haag, 08-04-13 08:46:

Vielen Dank für diese tolle Seite! Die Videos sind sehr informativ, die Übungsseiten helfen dabei viele Sachen ohne Bedenken einfach mal anwenden zu können.
Erleichtert die Einarbeitung enorm!


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